Scenes from Brussels: a photo documentary in the making

Bram Penninckx
Bram Penninckx

How well do you know your city? Bram Penninckx boasts that he knows Brussels pretty well. He has been taking long walks, getting lost and shooting many pictures of the city of Brussels in the last 6 years. His dream now is to offer the results of his work back to the city in the form of an exhibition in the public space. He will place some of them in the public space accross 19 communes so that everyone who is passing by can see them, judge if they see their city represented through the picture and recognize the spot.

He has called the local administration from the 19 different municipalities in order to ask for permission to place a reproduction of the photo at their parks and streets. « This has sometimes been a difficult but most communes have been helpful. Some local authorities were not happy with the picture that I have selected for their commune and they wanted me to change it. I said this was not possible…so this generated some tension sometimes,  but now we are on the right track. »

There are two main topics that interest Bram. One is Brussels by Night. Those moments where natural light goes down, streets are empty and there is this bizarre surreal landscape that Bram sees everyday in the Belgian capital, sometimes caused by artificial light, sometimes by witty and thought provoking solutions that are not the most convenient or practical. The other topic he calls ?Brükselisations? and here he covers all kind of street public demonstrations.

brussels by night
brussels by night

Thanks to crowfunding his dream is going to be possible and there is even a date for the vernisage: 20 September 2015, which is the car-free Sunday in Brussels. Do you want to know where the photo will be posted in your neighbourhood? Do you want to meet Bram and support him on his project? This Friday (26/06/15) there is an event at Elzenhof (Kroonlaan 12) around this project.